cooking philosophy

Food connects us to the land, it connects us to other humans, to life, because if we don't eat we die. It connects us with our identity, with rituals and with nature. It connects us to everything around us. Yet, when we put it inside of us, it becomes us.


food connects us.

Food connects us to the land, it connects us to other humans, to life, because if we don't eat we die. It connects us with our identity, with rituals and with nature.

It connects us to everything around us.

Yet, when we put it inside of us, it becomes us.

 Local organic farms

We work close with local organic farmers in and around Amsterdam. Andres is one of those amazing farmers. He uses a holistic system (regenerative agriculture) of farming principles and practices. He doesn't need any fuel based machines nor chemical fertiliser or pesticides. With his farm practices he increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. Most of the organic fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables you will eat at The Morning are grown by him. The low amount of organic waste we produce we return back to his farm so he can make compost tea out of it and give this fertiliser back to the soil and grow new, healthy organic crops for our next menu. We support small local farmers who farm in line with the laws of nature.

“We support small local farmers who farm in line with the laws of nature”

Our cooking philosophy

To be a cook one should be highly developed in consciousness. A cook should be able to concentrate and maintain a positive and friendly mental state. He or she should be happy with their work, content and mindful and a tolerant, creative individual. The food should be prepared in a state free from negative thoughts and emotional poison. We can all learn from this. Cooking should not be job oriented, but done with interest, willingness and joy. We’re not transforming food so much as food is transforming us.

Community kitchen

We have been proud member of the Kitchen Republic community now for 6 years. This is our place of joy and creation. Here we collaborate, experiment, prep and transform food into nutritious and delicious meals for our Morning gatherings, sacred ceremonies.

We enjoy when preparing, when offering to our loved ones, and when watching the afterglow.